Protologue Description: E. CRUCIATA n. sp.

Fronds branching, mostly of a single series of cells, but at the point of branching of two series or sometimes more; branches issuing at right angles or nearly so, usually opposite, but sometimes alternate or secund, simple, usually short, tapering; monosiphonous filaments usually 20-30 µ diam.; cells about as long as broad, cell wall very thick; in the irregular cellular masses where several branches issue near together, the cells are rounded, up to 50 µ diam.
The general appearance of the fronds is somewhat like that of Rhizoclonium, and the shorter branches somewhat resemble those of the latter genus ; but the branches are much more numerous and longer; they are mostly opposite, but sometimes issue two or three on the same side of the main filament. Younger parts bright green, older nearly colorless. Found unattached, among floating masses of Cladophora, Enteromorpha and Lyngbya in warm shallow water of lagoon, Eagle Island, Maine, ]uly, 1893.

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